Peter Hall Memorial Conference
Please join the UC Davis Department of Statistics for the Peter Hall Memorial Conference in honor of Distinguished Professor Peter Hall who sadly passed away in January 2016.
Conference Information
September 30th-October 1st
Conference Center
University of California, Davis
550 Alumni Lane
Davis, CA 95616
You may view a list of the invited guest speakers and their topics on the speakers page.
A tentative schedule is also available on the schedule page. If you would like to contribute a short talk or a poster for
our poster session you may submit your proposal here.
Registration is now live.
To register please go to our registration page. Directions and travel information can be found here. Information about hotel accommodations can be found here.

Remembering Peter Hall
Distinguished Professor Peter Hall joined the Department of Statistics at UC Davis in 2005. He held a joint appointment
with the University of Melbourne.
Peter was one of the foremost and prolific researchers in the field of Statistics. Among his many honors,
he was named in 2013 as an officer of the Order of Australia, the highest honor of that country, for his distinguished contributions to the field of statistics worldwide.
In the same year he was also elected as a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences in the U.S.
He passed away in January 2016 after a series of illnesses. You can view the announcement here.
A memorial site for Peter Hall can be viewed at